Tokyo has many wonderful Japanese gardens. Today, I’d like to introduce Hama-Rikyu, one of them, which is within walking distance from Ginza. During the Edo period, it served as an outlying fort of Edo Castle and was the garden of the Tokugawa Shogunate.


The green is so beautiful that it seeps into your soul. This is what you feel at Hama-Rikyu Gardens. At times, colorful flowers appear, and even crows come by as if to say, ‘Pay attention to me.’
The surrounding skyscrapers, which didn’t exist in the Edo period, may not be considered a part of the borrowed scenery, but sometimes their combination adds to the charm.

The 300-Year-Old Pine

One of the largest black pines in Tokyo. It is said to have been planted around 1706 by Tokugawa Ienobu, the sixth shogun of the Edo period.

Nakajima Tea House

The tea houses were places where successive shoguns would entertain guests or relax. Four of them have been restored, and the largest is Nakajima Tea House. There, you can enjoy beautiful wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets) together with matcha (powdered green tea).

Shogun’s Landing Place

This is where the shogun would board and disembark from his boat. Imagining that scene is quite moving.

Tidal Pond

This style brings in seawater, allowing the ebb and flow of the tides to change the character of the pond. As you stroll around the pond, you can enjoy various landscapes from different angles.

Duck Hunting Observation Window

There are two duck hunting grounds that were created in the late 18th century. There are windows for observing the ducks, lured by bait or decoy ducks, as hunters would catch them using nets or falcons. Peeking through these windows offers a fascinating experience.

The Four Seasons

In spring, there are cherry blossoms and rapeseed flowers, in summer, crape myrtles, and this time, our explorers discovered cosmos and silver grass.

Foodie’s Delight!

I enjoyed matcha (traditional powdered green tea) at Nakajima Tea House. Today’s sweet treat for Noripy was flavored with chestnut.
Foodie, satisfied!


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